Manitou Lake Bible Camp is passionate about sharing the love and good news of Jesus with children and families in our region. We also love camp! Camp is an amazing experience that we are proud to be able to offer for hundreds of people each year. When children and teens spend time at camp, they have the opportunity to have a lot of fun, to unplug from the stressors of life, to make friends and to learn about the Christian faith through chapel times, cabin discussions and by experiencing life in community at camp.
Our Beliefs – Statement of Faith
We are a non-denominational camp and welcome campers and families from all backgrounds. Our focus on the basics beliefs of salvation and the Christian walk. In short summary, we believe—
The whole Bible is inspired by God and, therefore, our authority for faith and practice.
The Trinity is one God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Jesus Christ is God and was miraculously conceived, performed miracles, died and was buried, physically rose again, ascended to heaven and will return.
In the person of the Holy Spirit, whose ministry is to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ, draw all people to Him, renew the believing sinner, and indwell, guide, instruct and empower the believer for godly living and service.
In the existence of Satan, a created being and an enemy of God.
All people, though created in the image of God, have rebelled and are totally sinful, unable to please God; all will one day be resurrected and only by being born again through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone can they receive salvation and the gift of eternal life, thus escaping conscious eternal punishment